Posted: Dec 31, 2019 7:11 AM
Chaotically Desconstructed
A question I've gotten a few times is if the chaos hedgehogs are much stronger with their restraining rings off, why don't they just remove them at the start of a fight.

The answer is simple, the sheer volume of chaos energy they channel will start to damage their bodies when the rings are taken off. The more rings taken off, the sooner it starts to happen though the more power they have access too.

In this picture Ashura has taken off four of his rings, and his gloves, for a particularity hard fight. He has had them off for about 20 minutes and his body is now slowly being torn to pieces by the power he wields. He needs to put the rings back on soon or he'll risk total deconstruction.

On the plus side for him, that is one hell of a super charged chaos breaker he is wielding.

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Ashura ULF, models, art © ~Adreos
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Category: Chaos Hedgehogs
Tags: #Ashura

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