Posted: Dec 31, 2019 6:09 AM
Last Edit: Dec 31, 2019 6:10 AM
New Hedgehog Model - Ashura
Ok, for the longest of times I've had a few complaints about my hedgehog model. It was based HEAVILY on the Sonic Adventure 2 model, a game from back in 2001. So there were a few things that just didn't work right
  1. Uni-eye - The model design was a single sphere for the two eyes, cleaverly seperated mostly by the "eyebrow". This made expressions sometimes hard when looking to the side.
  2. Cartoon proportions - Hands the size of the face on an already dispropotially large head, hands being half the length of the arm, short stubby legs, oversized feet. This all made poses and animation a nightmare. Walking was a hard animation to consider, and it was impossible to put hands on the hips.
  3. Short Stocky Body - the body was so short it was hard to do much bending with it, if any
  4. No shoulders or neck - Do I need to elaborate?

It was an early model of mine, and looked very similar to the game model, so I was happy with it.

But after trying to pose and animate it for a few years the headaches it caused have gotten to be a bit much. So I decided to, from scratch, remake the hedgehog design. This time I did not stick so close to the game model, giving me a much greater freedom for design. I made it more human like, so human poses, gestures, and motions can be more easily convayed. Yet I tried to keep some of that toony feel to it.

After much work I would like to think I've succeeded in my overall goal. And now with the new models I'm going to be "reimagining" the seven chaos hedgehogs as I create their new models from the new Sonic model.

And that said, this here is Ashura's new model.
What makes Ashura differentAshura didn't have too many changes from his old design, as this is really how I picture his design.

A big thanks to everyone who watched the livestreams and made their suggestions.

Made 100% with Blender
Ashura ULF, model, art © ~Adreos
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