Turn up the heat

© 2012 - 2024 ~Adreos
Posted: Dec 31, 2019 6:30 AM
Turn up the heat
Fero stood in the battlefield, the air around him hot from his chaos power. One demolished tank from the invading army lay flipped over on the ground next to him, but the armada still faced him.

"I gave you a warning, and toppled one of your army." Fero said, mostly to himself though, "But now its time to really turn the heat up."

With those words Fero gripped one of the restraining rings on his arm. Giving a squeeze and a twist the ring glowed before phasing through his arm.

With the restraint removed the chaos energy in Fero's body erupted outward, melting the nearby tank as Fero readied himself to attack.

Just a picture of Fero with the new model, along with writing some new fiction for him.

Made 100% with Blender
Fero, model, art © ~Adreos

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Category: Chaos Hedgehogs
Tags: #Fero

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