Life on the Edge

© 2010 - 2024 ~Adreos
Posted: Dec 31, 2019 5:33 AM
Life on the Edge
inally a picture of Evera after a long time. I need to get more ideas.

Anyways, as you may or may not know Evera and her kind (Echan Dragon) live in the mountains. In this picture Evera is just taking a walk through her territory. Her powerful claws dig into the rockface and help hold her up as she shifts her body weight to walk along a (relatively) small ledge. For her this is natural and she isn't even thinking about the drop next to her, just following the scent of mountain goat.

Evera has her body down as low as she can and her wings folded on her back to lower her center of gravity and make this a thoughtless task for her.

And for those of you who are asking why isn't she just flying
1 ) It takes a lot less energy to walk then it does to fly. While we view flying as something wonderful cause we can't fly, its a normal thing for Evera and she like any creature likes to take the easy way out.
2 ) If she flew in her prey would see her coming and have a chance to scatter and hide.

I will admit the background was giving me a few problems though.

Made 100% with Blender
Evera, Models, art © ~Adreos
Views: 976
Category: Dragons
Tags: #Cliff #Evera

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