Posted: Dec 31, 2019 5:23 AM
Chaos Unleashed
Infuriated by DMS for having almost killed his brother the chaos energy in his body responded to his emotions. Fueled by pure rage the energy forced off all eight of his restraining rings.

With this there was no restraints on the amount of energy he was letting off. The chaos energy and the disturbance it caused was felt all over the planet. Near Ashura the ground itself was being blasted away by the sheer force, the grass and plants nearby long uprooted. Even Dark Metal Sonic, this one nearly at full strength, was clinging to the ground to avoid being blown away.

Ashura knows however that he doesn't have long. The chaos energy was also starting to destroy him from the inside out. He had less then a minute to do his work, but at this level he wouldn't need long.

I've had this sitting around for a while. And I've been waiting for a long time to do a picture with someone taking all eight restraining rings off (If you look in the picture you can see all of them)

Made 100% with Blender
Ashura ULF, Dark Metal Sonic, models, art © ~Adreos
Views: 963
Category: Chaos Hedgehogs
Tags: #Ashura #DMS

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