Darkness's Destructive Power

© 2009 - 2024 ~Adreos
Posted: Jan 14, 2019 6:57 PM
Last Edit: Jan 14, 2019 6:57 PM
Darkness's Destructive Power
Before Dark Metal Sonic was created, The Darkness made an attempt at destroying the planet as a whole as it could not defeat the chaos of the seven.

The Darkness's power spread throughout the planet, tearing apart the land as it did so. The land began to self destruct into oblivion under the guidance of The Darkness.

Realizing that the time was needed for drastic action the seven from around the globe used Chaos Conversion to transform themselves into energy like The Darkness itself. The seven points of energy met and combined into something far more powerful then the sum of its parts, Unity.

The attention of The Darkness shifted from the planet to this new threat. Focusing all its power it lashed out at Unity, in attempt to destroy the only remaining body of chaos.

But Unity proved to be too powerful and with a powerful Chaos Blast tore The Darkness apart.

The planet was not free of The Darkness's power, but the damage was already done. Forests had burned, the land reformed, and volcanoes had been made. The damage was irreversible, the planet forever scared by its encounter with The Darkness.

The energy making up Unity separated and reformed into the seven chaos hedgehogs, their great task accomplished. Now they would help guide the planet to heal the wounds as best as possible.

The tattered remains of The Darkness fell to the planet and sought out refuge. And what was found were left over relics from a war two centuries prior. Fusing with these relics The Darkness created Dark Metal Sonic and began the battle anew.

I had the idea for this picture so I had to make it. And the text provides a nice recap for those having no clue what goes on in my gallery.

Made 100% with Blender
The Darkness, chaos hedgehogs, models, art © ~Adreos
Views: 1175
Category: Fan Character
Tags: #Chaos #Darkness #Hedgehog #Teros

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