Unity fights the Darkness

© 2009 - 2024 ~Adreos
Posted: Feb 3, 2018 4:58 AM
Unity fights the Darkness
Alright alright, I promised some information on Unity last time we saw him, so I guess I might as well.

By releasing their power to its ultimate extent the seven chaos hedgehogs can temporarily dissolve their physical form into raw chaos power (the trick is called Chaos Conversion). It is the ultimate trick of any of the seven, completely exhausting them after wards, sometimes for weeks.

When all seven perform chaos conversion at the same time the energies can combine into one force. That combined power is Unity. His name comes from the fact the he is chaos united. Taking on every ounce of power from each of the seven, Unity is the true power of chaos.

"The Darkness" seen in the picture is another force of the universe. It represents the order of total oblivion, if the chaos that shaped the universe never existed.

Basically its the age old struggle of Order VS Chaos.

Made 100% with Blender
Unity, Models, and art © ~Adreos
Views: 1416
Category: Chaos Hedgehogs
Tags: #Darkness #Unity

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