Posted: Feb 2, 2018 4:41 AM
Slow Day at the Library
Dehero works as a librarian. When no one is there and the work is done he takes the opportunity to just read. Today it was a slow day so he got to catch up on some reading.

Yes he is standing on a stool. No I don't know what he's reading.

I admit, the color of the books was done really lazily. And yes I know books generally aren't the same size like this. Deal with it.

Aside from that though I decided to put forth a big effort on this picture. The library is setup to handle both humans an mobians (the type of critter Dehero is). The main desk it tall for the humans, and there is a short section for mobians and children. The overall layout however is similar to my local library.

To add to the scene I decided that some potted plants by the window would look great, especially with the sunbeam I had coming in. Had some new toys with Blender so I decided to give them a go with the plants.

Knowing its the small things that can make a picture I put several items on the librarians desk. Both desks have a bell and return date stamps with ink pad. The upper desk also has a tray of the cards for books that are out. The back section has some papers and books that need to be returned to their shelves.

The cut off sign on the right reads "Quiet please reading in progress". The other sign cut off on the left is a bunch of daily late fees.

Dehero really likes his job as its nice and quiet, something he appreciates.

Made 100% with Blender
Dehero, models, art © ~Adreos
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Tags: #Dehero

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